"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy. Deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:3
Meet Sam and Noah. These two PRECIOUS young men were one of the greatest surprises and sources of encouragement to me in Soddo…(along with Sophie-whom I will introduce next!) I went to Soddo knowing many of the names and faces of missionaries working in and around Soddo Christian Hospital. Even in the first couple of days, the message that resonated in my heart was what God spoke to Dave and I clearly at Thanksgiving…”the workers are FEW.” I was overwhelmed by the reality of this while I was there…but then at the same time God showed me that He is working in ways and in places that are unknown to most of us.
Sam and Noah arrived in Soddo about 4 months ago…after literally leaving their jobs and families and in obedience going when Jesus said, “Follow Me.” I am blown away by these two. There was a huge need for someone to come in and oversee the work at this very large orphanage run by CCCE. Sam had visited Soddo about a year ago and some workers in Soddo remembered him :)…so they called him and asked him to come back and help the orphans. He called Noah. Noah was working a good job in L.A., but was not happy. He told Sam he didn’t think so, but then God told Noah HE did think so…so Noah called Sam back and said, “I’m in.” Can you believe it? What an incredible example of FAITH and radical obedience.
The moment I met these two, I felt a kindred spirit with them…these guys are living out God’s command to care for His children and the ones so close to HIS heart…they are giving their lives for children that literally have NO ONE else. I saw love and vision and passion oozing from them. They were energized by the work God had called them too–though it is very very hard. They are working, advocating, spending themselves on behalf of the staff and the orphans in Soddo. I am humbled by their lives and inspired by the Spirit of God in them.
Let me tell you also…these are TRUE ORPHANS. The orphanage had about 35 orphans when Sam and Noah arrived, but are allowed to have up to 80 based on the space and beds available…so they are literally rescuing children who are surviving on their own from a village many miles from Soddo. These children will never be adopted…they come to Sam and Noah broken, tramatized, alone, scared and here they must find a place of healing and refuge. This is a significant work. They NEED prayers from God’s people…please pray for these children. Sam and Noah want to make this a place where the children experience something as close to a family unit as possible, they want to train them with skills and equip them to be independent and to be able to contribute to their community some day.
They are committed to spending two years (but we’re praying LONGER 🙂 there at the orphanage. I am excited to see how God uses these two surrendered young men to offer their lives as sacrifices…for HIS GLORY!!

“Therefore I urge you brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of WORSHIP. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND.” Romans 12:1