This last week was FULL…not normal full. Graced by God in miraculous ways. This little baby marked our week, and truly our lives. He blessed us and showed us MUCH of the Father’s glory this week. We love you, Baby Immanuel. We’re so thankful you’re whole in Heaven now.
In much lighter news…
We found our CRAZY dog, Cooper a new family to join…so, yet another goodbye to yet another dog!! The kids handled this goodbye fairly well. We love you, Coop…Now all the Food is for YOU 🙂
This crazy 28 month old potty trained herself in two days this week. She’s following in Ella’s footsteps…she is BIG in just about everything she does.
Ella caught a BEAUTIFUL Hummingbird this week…amazing work, Creator!!
Studying CHINA…we made our own EGG ROLLS…they were delicious!! Way to go, Ella and Caleb!! As we had this special meal, our hearts were deeply with our friends who have or are adopting from this country…(Especially our prayers are with you PRECIOUS Leiningers and Butlers!! We love your hearts and your beautiful families!)
HAPPY FALL, Y’ALL!!! Pretending it’s Fall here in Ethiopia with HOMEMADE PUMPKIN MUFFINS, and LOTS OF GRATITUDE!!!
A SUPER fun Ginormous Box from our neighbors…so, that made for a GREAT and creative DAY!!!
Reading Time: Sisters are so precious. I love this!!
More Sister Time & School in the yard 🙂
Game Night with some very special neighbors!!
My sweet girls, Bezenech and Meskerem, started school!! Don’t they look so, so darling?!?! I felt like a proud mama!!!
October Graces from God…we enter your gates with THANKSGIVING, Father…
and your courts with PRAISE!!