My Ella…

This one is growing in grace…this age between being a child and becoming a young woman is hard, isn’t it? She turns 12 this month! You never know when you step into the first adventure of parenthood how the days and years will fly…There are really hard, ugly days and there are days that make me want to cry for her. There are days now where I really am completely in awe of who she is, who she is becoming and how God has created her.
This little girl…
Who now can basically run our home
Who teaches a preschool time with 4 little two year olds…
Who goes to deliveries and C-sections with her daddy…
Who loves to stay up and chat ONLY at night…
Who now loves guitar and all kinds of music…
Who loves to write, loves animals, loves to take care of her momma..
Who told me last night she’s dreaming of becoming a midwife so she can go into a closed country….
Jesus, fill and BLESS this girl with so much of you so she is and DOES mighty things FOR YOU.